Wrestling Canada Lutte Wrestling Canada Lutte


Coach Education

Wrestling Specific Training

With regards to the NCCP, the Provincial/Territorial wrestling organizations are primarily responsible for ensuring access to training and evaluation for coaches within their province/territory. This may be achieved by organizing activities within their province/territory or by assisting coaches to travel to other provinces/territories for the required training and evaluation opportunities.

In order to better serve the coaches in our community, Wrestling Canada Lutte (WCL) invites all coaches who are interested in following its National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP) pathways to use these online forms to let us know what kind of training they need.

Competition Introduction Part A workshop request (Coming soon)
Competition Introduction Part B workshop request (Coming soon)
Competition Introduction Evaluation request
Competition Development Evaluation Request
Competition Development Workshop Request

This will help us understand what the demand for coach training is nation-wide and allow us to work with our partners more effectively to meet it.

Wrestling specific NCCP workshops include:

Community Sport Coach

Kids Wrestling (Community Sport): If you want to teach basic wrestling skills to ‘grass root’ participants (ages 14 and under), this 1.5 day interactive workshop is for you. Developed for elementary and high school teachers, parents, or volunteers, as well as for municipal recreation program officers, this LTAD based workshop will enable you to coach wrestling basics in a fun and safe environment.

Kids Wrestling (Community Sport)
Module / Course Offered By Status Achieved on Completion
Community Sport Initiation – Kids Wrestling Provincial / Territorial Wrestling Association Trained
Competition Introduction

Here is the complete training and evaluation pathway for the Competition Introduction program:

Multi-sport training (NCCP)

  • Basic Mental Skills
  • Make Ethical Decisions
  • Nutrition (e-learning module)
  • Teaching and Learning
  • NCCP Emergency Action Plan (e-learning module)

Wrestling Canada Lutte training

  • WCL Part A, which includes both the Planning a Practice and Technical/Tactical A workshops.
  • WCL Part B, which includes both the Design a Basic Sport Program and Technical/Tactical B workshops.

Multi-sport evaluation (NCCP)

  • Make Ethical Decisions online evaluation

Wrestling Canada Lutte evaluation

  • Portfolio evaluation
  • Practice evaluation

You can download information on how to access multi-sport training and evaluations here.

Note: Each coach is responsible for taking training to maintain the status of Certified in this program. You can find information on how to do that in the Maintenance of Certification section of this page.

The total number of points required to maintain one’s certification in this program is 20 points.

Competition Development

Here is the complete training and evaluation pathway for the Competition Development program:

Notes on the training pathways

The Coaching and Leading Effectively workshop contains basic concepts that will come up again in other workshops. In an ideal world, a coach should take that workshop first. However, it is not necessary to do so.

Next, the Developing Athletic Abilities workshop also has a pre-workshop task that you must do before the training. When you take the Psychology of Performance workshop, you will notice some significant repetition from the Basic Mental Skills workshop. This is not an error; it was how the Coaching Association of Canada designed both workshops.

Finally, the following workshops are prerequisites for the WCL training:

  1. WCL Part B
  2. NCCP Developing Athletic Abilities
  3. NCCP Prevention and Recovery
  4. NCCP Psychology of Performance

Multi-sport training (NCCP)

  • Coaching and Leading Effectively
  • Leading Drug-free Sport (e-learning module)
  • Developing Athletic Abilities
  • Managing Conflict
  • Psychology of Performance
  • Prevention and Recovery
  • Manage a Sport Program

Wrestling Canada Lutte training

  • WCL Performance Planning
  • WCL Motor Learning
  • WCL Analyze Performance

Notes on the evaluation pathway

When a coach takes the WCL training, they will also be provided with a package of templates that they will use for their portfolio submission. In addition, WCL will provide an orientation session to quickly go through and explain the templates to the coaches.

The portfolio evaluation must be completed before a coach can move on to either the practice or tournament evaluations. The practice and tournament evaluation can be taken in the order that is most convenient for the coach.

Multi-sport evaluation (NCCP)

  • Make Ethical Decisions online evaluation
  • Leading Drug-free Sport online evaluation
  • Managing Conflict online evaluation

Wrestling Canada Lutte evaluation

  • Portfolio evaluation
  • Practice evaluation
  • Tournament evaluation

You can download information on how to access multi-sport training and evaluations here.

Note: Each coach is responsible for taking training to maintain the status of Certified in this program. You can find information on how to do that in the Maintenance of Certification section of this page.

The total number of points required to maintain one’s certification in this program is 30 points.

Advanced Coaching Diploma

The Advanced Coaching Diploma (ACD) is the pinnacle of a coaches’ education in the National Coaching Certification Program. ACD coaches are recognized as being among the most qualified coaches and leaders of athletes and sport programs provincially, nationally and internationally.

Please visit the Advanced Coaching Diploma page for more information.

Multi-Sport Training

Multi-sport coaching modules have been integrated into wrestling’s Community Sport and Competition-Introduction modules as described above.

Multi-sport coaching modules are required for the completion of wrestling’s Competition-Development training. Coaches are required to take these modules separately through the network of Provincial and Territorial Coaching Representatives.

Find an NCCP multi-sport workshop

All of these multi-sport modules can help you reach higher as a coach, and can also be counted towards Maintenance of Certification.

Maintenance of Certification

Coaching certifications and maintenance requirements have changed over the years. In 2018 coaches who were already certified in the old Level 1, 2 or 3 programs were transferred into the current version of the National Coaching Certification Program (NCCP). This was done by assigning these coaches the status of Certified (Transferred) in the Competition – Introduction or Competition – Development programs.

Any coaches who received the Certified (Transferred) status must have accumulated a minimum number of Professional Development (PD) points over the past five years, up to January 1, 2023 as follows:

  1. Competition – Introduction: 20 points
  2. Competition – Development: 30 points

These points are tracked on your NCCP transcript in the The Locker (https://thelocker.coach.ca/). Point totals will reset on January 1, 2023 and a new five-year cycle will begin. Coaches who have met the standard above will be in good standing with the NCCPand Wrestling Canada Lutte (WCL) in the New Year.

Coaches who have not done accumulated enough points will have their status changed to: Certified (Transferred – Not Renewed). Note: no one’s NCCP transcript will be wiped clean! All training and evaluation that they have done will still be there. However, they will not be eligible to coach at nationals until they renew. As soon as the coach has enough points on their transcript, their status will go back to Certified (Transferred) and they will be in good standing again.

What should you do if you are not sure?

Log in to the Locker to check your NCCP transcripthttps://thelocker.coach.ca/

If you are having trouble logging in or reading your transcript, reach out to the team at the Coaching Association of Canada for help: [email protected]


  • How do I know if this applies to me?
    Log in to your Locker account, then go to the Certification tab of your profile. Go to the Wrestling Canada Lutte (WCL) section of it (you may have to scroll a bit) and look at the status in bold under the following program names: Competition – Introduction and Competition – Development. If you see the status Certified (Transferred), then this applies to you. Click here for steps to check your PD points.
  • How do I earn professional development (PD) points?
    Short answer: sign up for some NCCP training! You can start with the modules that are part of the WCL safe sport requirements: Make Ethical Decisions, Making Headway in Sport, and Safe Sport. They are each worth 5, 5 and 2 points respectively. Any WCL or multi-sport module is worth 5 points each. Also, in the e-learning section of the Locker, you will find an entire list of e-learning modules that are worth PD points too. Finally, each year you can self-report some activities and earn a very limited number of points. There are lots of options at your disposal!
  • I do not have a Locker account…How do I create one?
    You can create one by using the link on the login page for the Locker: https://thelocker.coach.ca/
  • Is earning PD points the only way to renew my coaching certification?
    You can also decide to go through the evaluation process again. If you do that and pass the evaluation, you are considered to have fulfilled your renewal requirements.
  • If I have more points than the minimum requirement, will they carry over into the next maintenance cycle?
    When the new 5-year maintenance cycle starts in January, your point totals will reset. The goal behind this is to ensure that coaches who are already certified continue to seek out professional development opportunities throughout their careers.

How can I find out when coaching courses are being offered?
WCL coaching courses will appear on the WCL Events Calendar. When an event becomes available a registration link will be available for you to sign up for an online or live event.

You can also find multi-sport training opportunities on the NCCP Workshop Calendar. Anyone with a Locker account can sign up and pay for those workshops.

Additional Resources: