Board of Directors Fall 2017 Update

(Ottawa, ON) – Wrestling Canada Lutte (WCL) is pleased to share updates related to work approved and endorsed by the Board of Directors at the meeting held in Toronto, September 23-24, 2017.
The Board approved revised terms of reference for the High Performance Advisory Committee which now includes male and female athlete representatives, elected by their Athlete Council peers.
The Board also approved terms of reference for the final four advisory committees identified in the Policy on Organizational Structure & Committees, including Alumni & Recognition, Coach Education & Development, Marketing & Communications, and Sport Development. The detailed committee terms of reference and calls for interest will be forthcoming.
Finally, the Board approved various appointments to the Board Standing Committees. The details on the committee compositions will be forthcoming, once all candidates have been notified.
Governance Modernization Project
The Board continued work in the area of governance modernization, focusing detailed discussions on three guiding “good governance” principles that relate to there being clear distinctions between the responsibilities of the board and the staff; ensuring that WCL has board structures and processes that enable it to govern in an effective and professional manner and that WCL’s relationships with its members and governing organizations reflect accountability, alignment, responsiveness, transparency, and clarity in communications.
The Board also reviewed WCL’s current bylaws to ensure they are accurate, up-to-date and reflect WCL’s current mandates and philosophies. Proposed changes to the bylaws for membership review will be forthcoming.
Risk Management Training
Following the recommendation for WCL to provide continuing assistance in the area of board development, the Board underwent an orientation session on risk management, ensuring that in their roles as stewards of the association, they have a growing understanding of how to manage risk and leverage opportunities to help the association achieve full potential. The Board also reviewed various ways to support integrating risk management into ongoing operations and board functions.
Respect Training
As a commitment to maintaining an environment that is free of bullying, abuse, harassment and discrimination it the workplace, all board members will undertake “Respect in the Workplace” training every 5 years.
“Respect in the Workplace” (RiW) is one specific module and standard that has been developed by the Canadian Red Cross to provide organizations of all sizes, in any industry, with a standard tool for all employees to combat bullying, abuse, harassment, discrimination and incivility.
HR Manual Policy
The Board approved an updated Human Resource Manual Policy that summarizes policies, procedures and practices related to human resource management at WCL.
Diversity and Inclusion
Following direction at the annual meetings earlier this summer, the Board has undertaken to develop guidelines for WCL to maintain and support a culture of equity, diversity and inclusion in its workplace and in the delivery of its programs and services. Following board endorsement of a Diversity and Inclusion Policy, in principle, the staff and working group have been given additional guidance on addressing and making recommendations on more practical considerations towards implementation.
Training Centre Funding
The Board resolved in November 2016 to maintain 2017-2018 Training Centre funding support at the previous levels for the first 6-months of the new quadrennial & fiscal year, until a review of the system was completed by WCL’s technical staff, led by the High Performance Director.
Given the numerous and various changes that are occurring in the high performance environment, including new international weight classes and a new international competition structure, the working group has not yet completed its review and recommendations.
As such, the Board approved to extend the 2017-2018 NSO directed training centre funding through the remainder of the fiscal year. Details will be communicated directly with the affected centres shortly.
WCL will be soliciting community wide feedback on recommendations for elements of WCL’s 2020 funding framework in the coming weeks, with a targeted April 1st, 2018 implementation date.
For more information:
Tamara Medwidsky
Executive Director
[email protected]
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