Canadian Cadet Male Training Camp

Arrive on June 3, Depart June 13
Beresford, South Dakota. Legends of Gold – USA Regional Training Center.
This camp will be an intensive loading period designed to help our Cadet Males train and prepare for an international tournament. This training opportunity is being made available to other top developing Cadet males in Canada. This camp will be extremely beneficial to all athletes attending, not just the World Team Members.
All athletes and coaches will fly into Sioux Falls, South Dakota, which is approximately 45 minutes away from the training center in Beresford. Legends of Gold will pick our athletes up at the airport, by bus. Once athletes have confirmed their attendance, required flights will be forwarded to ensure the team arrives at similar times to Sioux Falls. Once at the camp, athletes will remain on site.
Legends of Gold is a large training facility with dormitories, a large dining area, a large weight room, soccer and baseball fields, basket ball courts, and most importantly a large training room with four wrestling mats in it. All facilities are on site, which optimizes time spent between sessions, cardio and strength training, as well as recovery, meals, and study.
Academic Needs:
With many athletes having academic expectations during this time, study times will be made available daily in classroom settings. As Legends of Gold is an active recognized Prep School, it provides access to classroom environments.
What to Expect?
Athletes will be up early for a hard run or strength session each morning. Legends of Gold, is a 70 acre treed property surrounded by corn fields, with the local town of Beresford a five minute drive away. Following the morning strength or conditioning session, athletes will have breakfast and rest prior to the morning session. Two sessions a day will occur, one in the morning, and one in the afternoon. Meals, rest and study will occur before and after these sessions. The evenings are spent in the dorms or outside around a campfire, or playing games. Each dorm holds approximately 12 athletes and has it’s own shower facilities.
WCL will have coaching staff on site working with our athletes as well as the entire staff of Legends of Gold. Legends of Gold is currently working to confirm the attendance of staff from their Olympic Training Center, which may include Kevin Jackson and / or Bill Zadick. With regards to training partners, Canadian athletes can expect Cadet and Varsity age wrestlers in attendance. This camp is being opened to the top 6 athletes from the US Pan American Trials. In addition several other neighboring States will have athletes attending. The caliber of wrestling will be very good!
Athletes should expect to be challenged both mentally and physically while training at this camp.
Currently, return flights departing from Vancouver, Calgary, and Toronto to Sioux Falls, South Dakota, are in the neighborhood of $700 – $850, with Toronto being on the low end, and Vancouver the high. Early confirmation to the camp will provide lower costs as the flight rates tend to go up closer to the camp. Camp fees are $50.00 Cdn per day. This includes all ground transport, all accommodations, all meals, and all training activities at the camp. Athletes may wish to bring a small amount of spending money for snacks and t-shirts. Total costs, not including spending money, are estimated to be between $1250 and $1350 Cdn. This amount may change depending on flights and early confirmation of attendance from athletes.
What to Bring?
Passports, sleeping bag, pillow, spending money, toiletries, casual clothes for a May climate similar to ours, lots of workout gear for ten days, singlet’s, wrestling shoes, swimming suit, and a positive ATTITUDE!
The last one is most important. Athletes are expected to bring a positive team orientated attitude dedicated to team and individual improvement.
Note: Athletes are expected to make arrangements for payments to the airlines with regards to excess luggage. Athletes are expected to have this prepaid or to have a credit card on their person.
Deadline for confirmation of camp attendance:
Please send confirmation of attendance via email no later then May 11 to Vern McNeice at [email protected]. Please also cc Mitch Kaufman and Julie Beaulieu at [email protected] and [email protected]. Please keep in mind that we are eager to get your confirmation asap as it will reduce team costs.
Required Documentation:
The attached letter of consent, filled out in its entirety, along with a valid passport is required prior to departure.
Please feel free to give Vern McNeice a call at 403-333-1299, or an email at [email protected] if any questions arise specific to this camp.
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