Sport Environment Assessment on Wrestling Released by Abuse-Free Sport

Ottawa, ON (August 22, 2024) – Abuse-Free Sport and the Office of the Sport Integrity Commissioner (OSIC) have released the Sport Environment Assessment (SEA) report concerning Wrestling Canada Lutte (WCL), commissioned in 2023. The report can be accessed at the following link:
The overall SEA objective was to offer proactive, transparent and preventative measures to alleged systemic issues related to the Universal Code of Conduct to Prevent and Address Maltreatment in Sport (UCCMS) to cultivate safe, welcoming and inclusive sport environments.
As previously posted, WCL saw this Assessment as an opportunity to evaluate the positive changes that have been made within the organization within the last five years and identify where gaps may still remain in WCL’s capacity as a national sport organization.
The resulting information from assessment participants (74 of 281 respondents or 26%) reflects how they perceived issues, systems or dynamics within the sport environment and more specifically an examination of the following:
- A review of the Bennett Report recommendations and WCL’s progress in respect of the implementation of the recommendations from the Bennett Report;
- An assessment of WCL’s ability to prevent and address misconduct, and how complaints have been managed (reporting, investigations, and resolutions); and
- An assessment of whether there are systemic issues of maltreatment within WCL.
WCL was pleased with the findings in relation to the Bennett Report’s recommendations, noting the assessor was “satisfied WCL has implemented all of the Bennett Report Recommendations.”
And while there was information obtained about certain individual forms of maltreatment through interviews and the survey, the assessor “did not find there were systemic issues of maltreatment within WCL”.
The report recommendations, grouped into 3 categories, are intended as options for consideration by WCL with the overall goal of continuing to ensure a safe sport environment where maltreatment and other forms of misconduct are prevented and if they occur, are properly addressed.
WCL would like to thank OSIC and all the SEA participants for the insights shared in the report which will help us on our ongoing journey in ensuring a safe, inclusive and respectful environment, which is a top priority for WCL. As referenced in the report, we have made significant efforts in the last five years at various levels and recognize that there is still work to be done.
Sharing OSIC’s commitment to the UCCMS and its foundational principles, WCL is committed to reinforcing communication, education and awareness measures, as well as refining resources, policies and practices that will enable us to continue delivering our purpose and providing leadership, support and safety nationally for our athletes and other participants in pursuit of international podium success.
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