WCL strategic planning update and survey

OTTAWA – Wrestling Canada Lutte (WCL) has formally begun its strategic planning process. This five-step process is designed to review and refine the current strategic plan. The five steps in the process include: forming an advisory committee, engaging stakeholders, creating a draft plan, collecting feedback on the draft plan, and refining and finalizing the new strategic plan.
WCL is currently in the second step of the process and is looking for feedback from various members of the community, specifically coaches, clubs and athletes. Individuals wishing to share their opinions may do so by completing this survey. The deadline to complete the survey is Feb. 11, 2022.
In addition, WCL will be hosting an athlete focus group on Feb. 9, 2022 at 6 p.m. est. Interested athletes may join the zoom call here.
WCL would like to thank everyone for their participation and input. The more information collected the better we can move forward in the right direction to best serve the community.
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